Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Spine Surgery | Faith And Fear

Ever since my lymph node dissection surgery in 2009, I have been struggling to keep up my abdomen core muscles and it resulted in pinching of the nerve in the lower back. 

Soon I realised that I have a herniated disc at L4 - L5. It was journey for 5 years with lots of pain and i started having wastage of muscles on my thighs, numbness on my toes and a ligament tear on both my knees. I dont have much options but to go for a spine surgery, 5th visit to an operation theatre 😉

Then you have strong faith and dead scary. the moment you feed your fear, your faith will starve. 

Even when times are tough, even when you’re unsure on the future of a surgery, even when you’re filled with fear, know that God has a plan. Know that God isn’t just going to leave you in the dust. This world might not always make sense, and your prayers might not be answered in the way you hope, rest assure that He is not ignoring you. Perhaps the pain you’re feeling is a powerful lesson in strength. Perhaps a closed door is an opened one down the road. Perhaps an unanswered prayer is a blessing you never know you needed. Perhaps you simply need a reminder that you serve an almighty God. The God who has protected you till this day is capable of holding me tomorrow.

I will be back soon, till then 

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord lift his countenance upon you, and give you peace; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.

Amen, Amen.

(Actually this song is called 7 fold Amen, beautiful harmony)