Thursday, January 13, 2011

A New Year with a Good Start !!

For my friends who cannot follow my native language "Malayalam, മലയാളം" above, I have made an attempt to translate the testimony in English with a best possible effort. I was very much in particular here that none of my friends should walk away without hearing His work and His grace on me in 2010.
(click the 'play' to hear) 

Glory to my Father!!
Thanks to my Lord for protecting me safe for the last one year. I thank my Father for giving me this opportunity to testify in front of His children that He is still an awesome Lord who has done big things in my life this year. 

In 2007, I faced 2 back to back surgeries in my fight against cancer.
In 2008 - a severe chemotherapy.
In 2009 - 6 hour long complicated surgery
In 2010 - I was thinking like what next. But instead I was chosen by my Father to do His work for one year. He has given me one opportunity in my life in 2010 to work close to Him. And hence, my Lord didn't allow me to enter into the hospital for cancer problem or was bedridden a single time. And it was an year of His blessings. 

Last 4 years in my fight against cancer, He was walking along with me, His rod and staff comfort me. Throughout the years He delivered my feet from stumbling, my eyes from tears, my soul from death.

While I was alone in my pain, He made me hear His voice on several occasions through His people in this church, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in your weakness. Today in His grace, my cup overflows.

Today nothing happens by accident in my life, He plans my life. Let us hold constantly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. He was faithful to me yesterday, He is faithful today and He is the same tomorrow.

In this journey, He made me believe that 
There's no people that He can't save
There's no sickness He can't heal

My Lord has done great things for me. Glory to my Father.


  1. God's grace will always be with you...
    Cast all your anxiety on HIM because HE cares for you.(1 Peter 5 : 7)

  2. Your testimony inspires me. It is beautiful! You have come a long way and I am glad you are the person you are today.
